Due For Blue


Photo: Sean Stratton on Unsplash


She knew

She was due

For some blue.

She felt the tug,

The subtle hue,

Sliding her joy askew.

A clue

For what the next step

Would do.

The polar opposites

That made her into


Her mood on queue

For an internal coup.



For the dVerse Quadrille challenge: Blue

Note: Dedicated to my friends who walk the tightrope of bipolar disorder. I don’t know what it is like to be you or what you go through, but I see you and hear you. You matter, complete with the ups and downs within you.



36 thoughts on “Due For Blue

  1. Beautifully done. It is an illness that, until it is figured out and the proper meds doled out, can be so frightful and destructive to the sufferer.

    This is going to sound odd… there is a series – 6 episodes – on Prime called “Modern Love”, Six individual stories and one of them, with Anne Hathaway is about just this. She plays it with great success. https://youtu.be/650Mt63HIBU

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, wow, I’ll check it out — and no, not odd – I love your recommendations for stuff!
      Thank for you for the lovely comment. Indeed, there are treatments and people can get ‘balanced out’ so symptoms are well controlled, but it is a challenge and it certainly can wreak havoc on life and relationships before it is well controlled. xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      • Such a good little mini series with so many huge actors! I’m tempted to rewatch it, it’s that good ..

        And yes. I know a few people who suffer from it. And it is a suffering ..

        Liked by 1 person

      • Re-watching is fab. All the fun, none of the wondering … 😉
        And … THANKS for the recommendation. I’m always happy to get good suggestions like that.
        Here’s to being as healthy as we can and counting our blessings for what we at least don’t have to manage,
        Your NYNF

        Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Kim! I’m glad it echoed in the read, and I hope it did not echo too closely in the tug. May we only know subtle hues sliding our joy askew, and not have to endure the full swings that some have to.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I remember a friend of a friend who was being treated for bipolar reached a stage where he refused the medication. “Fine,” he said, “I no longer plunge to the depths. But neither do I soar to the heights.” He missed those heights, and I can understand that.

    Liked by 1 person

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