Enough To Share

Photo prompt © Ted Strutz


“I kept some for you.”

She offered the crumpled paper reverently.

“Why, I thank thee!” he bowed.

He unfolded the checkered waxed napkin to reveal two potato chips, one small bite of pickle, a tiny sliver of bacon, a dot of olive, a slightly bigger dot of pepper, and a few crumbs of tuna. There was even some mayonnaise for condiment. A feast.

She squatted and rocked back on her heels in satisfaction as he devoured the food. Her greasy fingers left marks on her slacks. She was oblivious. Mesmerized.

The elf licked long skinny fingers. Burped. “No beer, eh?”





For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers



52 thoughts on “Enough To Share

  1. Adorable!!! 🧚‍♂️ 💚 🧚‍♀️!

    Adele Ryan McDowell, Ph.D.

    AdeleRyanMcDowell.com Adeleandthepenguin.com MakingPeacewithSuicide.com Channeledgrace.com

    Liked by 2 people

    • 🙂 Yay. Glad it made you laugh.
      I think that for an elf, it was very polite, actually. Then again, I don’t know if there was some mischief had later that night, on account of no beer … 😉


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