By Heart And Hand

desert pool AmitaiAsif

Photo: Amitai Asif


There is water

For the thirsty


In the desert,

Where heart and hand

Were put to work

With foresight of what

Must be done,

To hold

What would otherwise

Be lost

To shifting sands

And blazing sun.




For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Manmade



14 thoughts on “By Heart And Hand

  1. That puts me in mind of a story found in Morte d’Arthur, by Mallory. Two knights battle over a well. When first I read it, it seemed most unlikely. But no, this was clearly a story brought back from the Crusades, for in the desert, the well must be defended.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well defended AND well tended.
      Because sandstorms can turn a pool into a sandpit in a hurry. And maintaining the pool (rocks can crack in the cold/hot/cold/hot variations in temps) requires work, too. As for defending it, alas, all too often armies would DESTROY (literally break the walls or fill the pool with clay and sand so it dried up) in order to kill the soldiers and livestock of those they wanted to defeat. The atrocities of war, and the locals would suffer, of course. So … a calm pool in the middle of the desert is an act of kindness, of humanity, and of caring. It is something one can leave intact for another to use, even when one finished with it.

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      • In such a wet place as UK, this is easily overlooked. I’m thinking for many people today Mallory’s tale would have seemed like nonsense. And yet in my grandparent’s day the village well was a thing to treasure. One of my ancestors was a well-sinker. (I’m thinking that’s artisian wells)

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      • Living in the driest part of UK, and having known several (admittedly short-term) droughts sufficient to require supplies brought in by water-trucks, two pots per person, I have an appreciation of watrer supply. But my experience is mild compared to desert regions

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      • Mine, too. I did not live in a desert region, but I have lived in a place that got only seasonal rain and where water was always used judiciously. Speaking of ‘drought’ today a friend of mine has work done on her NYC building’s pipes and they have no water … (in a lockdown, it ain’t much fun, with a toddler in the house …). They got small bottles of water to supposedly tide them over the day. I don’t think that 1/2 liter water per person does the job. Not with washing hands it doesn’t … 😉

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      • Gosh no. Our water company is contracted to provide bottled water if they have to cut the supply without sufficient warning. It’s only happened once since I’ve lived in this present place. They brought me 6×2 litre bottles (I live alone)

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