Look Again


“Can you see her?” Emma rose on tiptoes and lifted her chin to add inches to her five-foot frame.

I smiled. What Emma lacked in stature, she made up for in sheer stubbornness. She felt tall.

We had parked on the far side of the marina and were approaching from behind the stage, facing the crowd. A sea of heads corralled by masts.

“She isn’t in the first row,” I noted, puzzled. Aunt Tilda was a front-row fixture in all local concerts.

“Look again,” Emma insisted. “If it’s free, you bet she’d staked her claim since the day before yesterday.”




For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers



49 thoughts on “Look Again

  1. In my hometown, we have a parade which is the biggest in the State. One lady we have all known for years always reserves her spot by the courthouse, probably around 4:30am. Sadly, no parade this year. But, we know the feeling.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Na’ama Y’karah,

    I love the vivid personalities you created in Emma and Aunt Tilda. You told me much about them in so few words. Good one. (I like front row seats since I’m not quite 5 foot nothing.)



    Liked by 1 person

    • Glad you liked it! Yeah, I think Aunt Tilda and Emma are related … (and I have a feeling Aunt Tilda likes the front row for visibility reasons, too … 😉 ). As for front row seats – they are fab, but are you a diehard like Aunt Tilda and stake your claim two days in advance? … 😉


  3. It’s her new hat that’s misleading you. The old floppy straw bonnet finally wore out (well, it caught fire actually, but that’s another story…) and she’s wearing a smart pink baseball cap. Yes, I know – you wouldn’t ever expect her to wear something like that, but – heck! – you wouldn’t ever expect to see me crowd surfing either.
    Loved this story, Na’ama – so many super details!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I donnow what “how short that really is” other than one might need help getting the cereal boxes from the top shelves at the market … 😉 It is EXCELLENT for legroom on the airplane, for example, and for being able to swing one’s legs from park benches and most chairs. 🙂
      (I’m average height, so, boring … ;))

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  4. Man, this is like my family when we used to go to free concerts at the park. It’s part of the fun of the thing. I’m sure they’ll all have a grand time, especially if Aunt Tilda decides to share her front row spot with them. 😉

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