No Shoveling!


“I’ll just be a minute,” Benito shooed his family ahead. “Don’t want you catching cold.”

He rubbed his gloved hands together. The temperature had dropped over twenty degrees in the last few hours.

“Especially you, Junior!” he pointed at his youngest. The boy had weak lungs and had just finished another long course of antibiotics. “In you go.”

“Oh, no, you’re not!” Maria planted her feet in front of her husband. “You are coming in with us. Right now. There will be no shoveling by you today. Boss Manuel insisted. Today you are a guest. After all, it is your birthday!”



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers



42 thoughts on “No Shoveling!

    • Yeah! The shovels leaning against that door had me thinking of those who shovel the snow to clear the path for the restaurant’s patrons to get in … and I thought to myself, in such a nice place, there ought to be some nice people … 🙂

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