A Slowly Fraying Memory


Photo: Free-to-use-sounds, on Unsplash



From the hollows of despair, they fled.

The shirts on their backs and the children

In their arms, all they could manage to


Even the abysmal shelters they had recently

Been made to call


No longer gave any protection or

A chance at repair or


They left, dodging death and finding

Further fright to


And in their hearts they held on


To the slowly fraying


Of days when life was softer

And beds were warm,

And babies slept

Well kept

Safe from war and hate and



For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Abysmal in 93 words

Note: Dedicated to all displaced, terrorized, pressed, oppressed, persecuted persons everywhere, and to the many millions who had, throughout history and in recent memory and in today’s times, been forced to further risk their lives by leaving what had once been home and safety behind, for the unknown.


24 thoughts on “A Slowly Fraying Memory

    • Thank you, Rochelle! I wish there was a whole lot more that’s new under the sun, but alas, there seem to be millions displaced and in danger, with millions more looking the other way or somehow justifying the adversity when it happens to whomever they see as the “other”… oy.
      May we learn. Amen.
      XOXO and off to read yours!


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