For Eternity


Photo: Freddy Castro on Unsplash


He visited her grave every year on the day they’d met. Every year on the day he’d proposed. Every year on the day they’d gotten married. Every year on the day she’d passed on and left him bereft of the best part of himself.

Sometimes if he was alone in the cemetery, he’d stretch on the ground near her headstone and mouth the words she’d left him in her note. She’d given him the sealed envelope shortly after she was diagnosed. Made him promise not to open it. Until. He knew them all by heart.

The Rock cries out to us today,” she wrote. “You may stand upon me, But do not hide your face. You are and always have been my core. My spirit will no longer be bound to this body, but our souls will continue traveling together. For eternity and beyond.”



(Note: Italics = prompt quote by Maya Angelou)

For the dVerse Prosery challenge



22 thoughts on “For Eternity

    • Thank you, Kim.
      Love and loss tend to do that, and if I managed to convey even a bit of it, I’m gratified. May grief stay in the stories … though I know that we are all destined to experience loss and most of us know grief.
      Hugs, Na’ama

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