Eden In A Bubble

Photo prompt © J Hardy Carroll


They were going to have to move.

Her health. His job.

They were going to miss so many things.

The beach. Their yard. The hours spent outdoors.

He laid in bed at night, awake. Her breath gentle at his side.

She would not complain. Even if she could still speak, he knew she wouldn’t put that burden on him. It broke his heart.

He put the shards into action. Poured his mind into design.

He’d build a bubble. An Eden in the forbidding landlocked wintry ground. A lush oasis where they could both breathe in the memories of better times.





For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers



38 thoughts on “Eden In A Bubble

    • I agree, Neil. Desperate times call for desperate measures, I guess, and perhaps the attempt will be what matters, even if it is not going to be close to what they REALLY want … given the realities they are facing.


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