A Stranger’s Eyes

Photo: Conner Baker on Unsplash


Her hand clasped the steering wheel and she fought against the tears that threatened to blur the road ahead.

The wheels whirred over miles and miles of black as the stars spread a rotating canopy over her car. A bug atop a line drawn in the sand, she was. A smidgen on the wide expanse of life under the heavens.

She won’t go back.

She could not allow it.

He had her squelched under his thumb for so long that she did not recognize her own face in the mirror. Her eyes had become a stranger’s.

“There are times,” her mother once said, “when a woman must believe herself. You may think yourself broken, but you will love again the stranger who was your self.”

She’d thought it cryptic at the time, melodramatic.

She understood now. “I’m coming home to myself at last, Mom.”




For the dVerse Prosery prompt: Love after Love in 144 words



26 thoughts on “A Stranger’s Eyes

    • Thank you, Beverly. All too many women and girls spend too long under the thumb of those who do not wish for them to spread their wings or be themselves. I hope more will find their voice, and the open road, and the way to love who they had always been inside.

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    • Thank you, Victoria.
      I hope those who are in abusive relationships will have someone — a neighbor, a friend, a co-worker, a family member, SOMEONE, who can help them know they are worth respect, and that they need not accept abuse. And may men, too, let women know they deserve respect. Fathers, brothers, brothers-in-law, teachers, cousins — they have a role in keeping women safe and raising girls to know they matter and that abuse is NEVER to be tolerated.

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  1. Not all mothers give such good advice. She was lucky to have one who did, and it got her out of the abusive relationship. It’s never easy, I know from personal experience. I love the way you describe the feeling of helplessness as ‘a bug atop a line drawn in the sand… A smidgen on the wide expanse of life under the heavens’. And it’s true, the abuser in that kind of relationship twists a person until their eyes become a stranger’s.

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    • Yes, not all mothers give this advice — some are clueless, some are oppressed themselves and had misplaced their own eyes in the mirror.
      I’m so sorry that you know the agonies of abusive relationships – too many do, and none should.
      Thank you for the feedback and for highlighting the description you liked. 🙂 I think that driving under a big sky at night can make many feel insignificant, not the least of it those who already were diminished in others eyes and perhaps had internalized it some. I hope she – and any in a harmful relationship – finds her core, her voice, her strength, and her eyes in the mirror, looking back.

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