Meet The Rain

Photo prompt: Dale Rogerson


“I want to go up, Papa!”

He looked down at the downy head, at the small frail finger pointing at the Big Wheel. “It is too high, Son.”

Your heart can’t take the excitement, he thought but didn’t say. The rain made tracks on his cheeks but he didn’t wipe them. The hospital said he could take the boy home. There was not much they could do for his son anymore.

“I want to go up, Papa,” the child insisted. “I want to meet the rain there. It will be my friend tomorrow … when I go live in the sky.”



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers

  • Dedicated with much love to E., who I’m certain is excellent friends with the sky and the rain … and whose promise to send “hellos with the rain” broke our hearts even as it had become the gift of healing and courage to her parents.


45 thoughts on “Meet The Rain

  1. So beautiful. So tender. So poignant. Thank you.


    Adele Ryan McDowell,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Penny.
      She was a wonder. Still is, on the soul level. I think of her often, and I know her parents do, and more so every time it rains.
      “Every raindrop a hello.”


  2. Out of the mouths of fragile babes… I imagine if Austin (age 7.5 months) could speak, he would have known when his time was coming, too. As my friend, Margaret’s, daughter, Johanne (aged 12) did…

    This was heartwarming, to me…



    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Rochelle … It’s indeed a story of both innocence and courage in the child, and a lot of the latter in the parent, too. Very much like the child — and family — I’ve dedicated this story to. I can imagine little more heartbreaking than losing a child, let alone one so young.
      And it is raining today, which of course, makes me think of E.’s “each rain drop a hello” …
      May there be healing galore and friendship, too.
      Happy Purim,


    • Thank you, Linda.
      I’m glad both came through, because both would be true for the child this is dedicated to … and for the lessons of living fully and loving fully that she’d given us all.
      Thank you for reading and commenting,

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Very well narrated a father’s dilemma to take a child, who is not well, up the wheel. But child knows he does not have many days left. Why not give him that happiness.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Indeed, Abhijit, this is the dilemma of the father and I hope that he’d taken the boy up on the wheel, even if he’d feared it might be too much for the child–not much is left to do for him but give him joy …
      Thank you for a great comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful and sad and the added information about E is hearbreaking. But at the same time it’s uplifting, children can see what is most important, and look at the world with different eyes from us jaded adults. From now on rain will be a different experience.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, it is sad and uplifting, both. It is always a tragedy when children are taken from us, and there is special heartbreak to illness in children that cannot be made better. And yet, there is much courage and matter-of-fact view combined with magic and a touch of awe that children bring, even to these tragic circumstances. I know I never look at rain quite the same again, and that is a gift that dear child had left with us all.
      Thank you for reading, and for this lovely comment,

      Liked by 1 person

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