Blue thoughts on Yellow

mirrored karenforte

Photo: Karen Forte


In middle school the uniforms

Were yellow tops and blue skirts

For the girls,

Yellow tops and blue slacks

For the boys.


The hue of yellow

In the official

Button downs,

Was a pale shade that made

Even the ruddy

Cheeks of children

Wash out

In the sun.


I used to think perhaps

This was the only color

Merchants had on overstock

When the school had first opened:

A fabric rescued

After years of fade brought on

By being forgotten

By everyone.


Oh, it was a decent enough school,

With friends I have kept

In touch with since the

Beginning of Sixth Grade.

It was the yellow hue

That had me blue.


Decades passed

And while

The beauty and the range

Of it in nature

Does indeed move me to tears,

I’m yet to own

A yellow garment

Even after

All these years.




For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Blue and Yellow


17 thoughts on “Blue thoughts on Yellow

    • Thanks, Dale.
      I shared this with my middle-school friends — some of whom I’d continued to high-school with. It was a boarding school high-school, so connections only strengthened, and quite a lot of those in my high-school year have kept in touch and/or revived contact in recent years. I also shared it with two of my siblings who’d gone to the same school with me. And, yep. They remember the uniform …
      As for the ‘moratorium’ on yellow garb … it is my own thing … Other people can have yellow garments and it is all fab. 🙂 Enjoy your favorite yellow dress!
      Hugs! Na’ama


      • Awww… I didn’t go to a boarding school but a lot of us have remained in contact. We’ve known each other 40 years!
        And I was teasing about the yellow dress… well. Yes and no. I look great in it 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • Some of my friends had kept in touch with each other throughout. I kept in touch with a handful and occasionally heard from others, but didn’t follow the others’ lives much. That is, till social media … and a tragedy with one of my high-school friends had brought us closer again. The son of one of my high-school friends was critically wounded and lay in an induced coma in a hospital, clinging to life. Another high-school friend contacted those of us she knew and we networked to locate more of us, to form a support system around her. The young man passed on after harrowing weeks in specialty hospitals’ ICUs. We were all heartbroken for our friend. The good that came of it was how people got together, and became closer again and how – now several years later – many of us remain in the high school chat group that was formed then. We share photos, stories, family news, silly things, and so on. It is a very sweet thing, even if the catalyst was a tragedy.
        As for the yellow dress–Good for you! 🙂 I know some people who look good in yellow (though I don’t think even you would’ve looked your best in that faded hue that made me blue…) 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • People can say what they will about Social Media but it has brought a lot of people together. Including many from my elementary school days, as well as high school! And what a sad catalyst to get things going. As you said, take the good that came out of the tragedy.
        Oh, I hear you… there are hues of yellow I would not be caught dead in!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Indeed! I think that like any innovation that can be used for good or ill, so can social media. I’m not averse to technology–in fact, I find it to have great potential and I enjoy it daily (as I type, actually…). This doesn’t mean it needn’t have boundaries around it, or that the same faults of humans can be manifested (or amplified) though its use. So, yeah, yay to social media and yay to the potential it has to bring people together, even as we keep an eye on the ways people can abuse it (and do), and on how children need to be protected on it (as they should be) and be taught how to navigate it.
        (Yeah, no to that blue-making hue… ;))

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    • I know! I can understand (and see how people will tolerate) light-blue on blue … or white over blue/black but I honestly cannot understand some combinations. In the city I’ve seen periwinkle gingham pinafores (in a not-for-anyone’s-body style) for girls, maroon on plaid skirts in another school, khaki pants and striped green jackets for boys … And on and on. I guess it does achieve the ‘pick out your student in a crowd’ but … 😉 My sister reminded me that her high-school uniform was in a similar awful hue of yellow (???), an ugly pleated brown woolen/gabardine thingy skirt, and a green sweater. The horror! 😉

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