Outdoor Sunday

Photo prompt: © Dale Rogerson 


“This is perfect,” Juliette leaned back onto her elbows and let the sound wash over her.

“Uhhumm…” Doug scraped mud off his pantleg. His fingers yearned for his phone but he had almost no battery left. He wondered for the hundredth time how long before they returned to the car.

Juliette smiled. She knew Doug found nature torturous. The quiet bored him. He disliked pebbles, creepy-crawlers, wind, and grass-stains.

She also knew her brother tolerated their periodical “Outdoor Sunday” just because he loved her … And because he understood better than anyone how much she’d lost when floods took the homestead.


For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers


21 thoughts on “Outdoor Sunday

  1. It is good that brother is spending time with his sister for an outing he does not enjoy. But at another level, such an outing is good for him. May be gradually he will lose his hankering for his phone.

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