Gramma’s Right

PHOTO PROMPT © Nathan Sowers


“You can come with me,” she insisted.

“Mazie,” I sighed. “You’re old enough to know not to take Gramma’s stories literally.”

The seven-year-old shrugged, and the new pixie cut she’d insisted on and which took away the curls I so adored, glinted in the light.

She glanced at the dilapidated building, then at me. Her face was inscrutable. Was she hesitant or exasperated? Perhaps both?

The moment stretched.

“Gramma’s right,” she sputtered. “You’re too stubborn for your own good.”

And she stepped through the mirror, onto grass, and disappeared into the shack.



For Friday Fictioneers: August 31 2018


29 thoughts on “Gramma’s Right

  1. So many little delights in this story! Mazie spluttering “You’re too stubborn for your own good.” – one of those wonderful moments when your child suddenly says something far too grown-up, and you recognise exactly who they heard saying it. The pixie cut that Mazie had insisted on. The mixture of hesitation and exasperation. All these great little specific details making the narrative so credible. And then the magic happens.
    Really nice!

    Liked by 1 person

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