Mama’s Trees


“So, we go?”

James nodded. Better than pretending that all was as it had been. Nothing ever will be.

“It’s cold,” Maria held out two scarves. A third was wrapped around her neck.

“So, we go!” Benjamin pulled a hat over his head. “You take the middle, Maria and I will go top and trunk. We’ll trade.”

They’d walked a tree home one year when Mama lost the car. They all had cars now, but she would never drive again.

James reached for the first tree. Glanced at their list of in-need homes.

In Mama’s memory, a Christmas Walk-a-thon. 



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers

Photo prompt: Dale Rogerson


52 thoughts on “Mama’s Trees

    • It is, isn’t it? 🙂 Sometimes the harder times can be made into meaningful times. Especially when embraced by more than one person, working together, remembering together, doing together. Have a happy and healthy 2022! Na’ama

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