Spree Time

(Photo: David Libeert on Unsplash)


No wallet? No problem.

He’d lived without one as a child and did not remember being hungry. Or at least, not so hungry that he could not muster energy to wrangle grub from whatever lay around.

His grandmother had taught him. Raised through famine she had become an expert forager. There were few edible things she did not recognize or know how to procure.

“If you’re awake, you can find food,” she’d say.

He was awake.

It was time to dumpster dive.




For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Forage in 82 words


23 thoughts on “Spree Time

  1. Reminds me of the number of times I’ve seen the open hand that speaks of money needed for food, when less that 100yds away there’s a dumpster brimming with food trashed by the supermarket for being a day out of date. Of course, scavenged food hot or cooked, and so my hand does go in my pocket

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