All Color Gone


They will not be coming home.

She paced the few steps from her door to the deck’s edge and back again. She gazed up at the washed out sky. Watched as the shadows encroached on the small lawn to blanket the rocks in the graying garden. Her breath was heavy in her chest.

They will not be coming home.

With every blink, the hues were fading. Taking with them memories of laughter, of pitter-patter, of wet wool and hot cocoa steaming by the fire.

The telegram emblazoned in her mind.

The boys will not be coming home.

All color gone.



Note: Dedicated to all those who knew and know such loss.

Photo prompt: © Sarah Potter

For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers



56 thoughts on “All Color Gone

  1. Na’ama Y’karah M’ohd,

    You’re a writer after my own heart. This is what I mean when I urge people to be inspired by the prompt. Your use of the gray tones painted a poignant and tragic picture that goes straight to the heart. Beautiful!



    Liked by 1 person

    • Yay! I got an A! 🙂
      Thank you! Really. I mean it. I think that what speaks to people in this lovely weekly prompt is the variety of photos and the freedom it allows to roam wherever our association takes us. It is not that photos need to be abstract – many are not – but that there is a variety to most of the responses that go to show the richness our brains can offer to each other. And I love that about FF. So glad this spoke to you. And I’m grateful for all the prompts. (speaking of, if you need a few more, you know where to find me). xx Na’ama


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