Once Upon A Swing

Photo Prompt © Ceayr


“It’s where he comes to make a wish,” Johanna whispered over her swing’s ropes as the girls passed each other on the swing-set, ringlets flying in the breeze.

Marie’s eyes widened and she forgot to pump her legs. The old man looked like many others she’d seen. Or was he? She’s never known anyone grown who made wishes. In real life. Into a fountain. Like in stories. It made her wonder what other things in tales were true. Perhaps goblins? Or princesses?

“His wife died, you see,” Johanna added, impressed by her cousin’s reaction. “He wishes for her to return.”



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers



40 thoughts on “Once Upon A Swing

    • Who said anything about FAIRY princesses? 😉 And … who knows that Goblins aren’t real? I actually think some of them are … but have learned to keep themselves invisible … 😉
      Thanks for the comment, Neil! 🙂

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  1. Na’ama Y’karah,

    When I was young wife with two small children, I asked my 60-something mother how long before I stopped feeling like a little girl playing house. She said she’d let me know when she stopped feeling that way. Perspective. When you’re a child it’s hard to imagine older people having the same thoughts and feelings.
    Poignant and sweet story you’ve written. Love the last line. Beautifully told.



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  2. Ah, Na’ama, that’s so touching. I love that you’ve seen the scene from the children’s viewpoint, how they react to adults wishing. It gives a new insight for the kids, a different way of looking at grown ups. Beautifully told

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    • That’s true, Michael. I didn’t think of it that he’d – perhaps without knowing – being part of the girls’ thoughts and imagination and reality. I wonder if it would make him feel good to know he’s being thought of. I think it would. 🙂 Great comment!

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