Ode to Morphology


Photo: Markus Spiske on Unsplash


Ode to the needed application

Of distinctive word formation

And appropriate derivation

(With Speech Pathology implications

For morphological miscalculation).

Because without the permutations

Of root words in combination

And grammatical allocation,

There’d be much missed in





For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Morphology in 37 words

Note: As a Speech-Language Pathologist, this writing prompt would have been absolutely impossible to not take on! 🙂


15 thoughts on “Ode to Morphology

    • It says so in the header under my name on the blog but I take it as a compliment that it is not necessarily the only thing people see about me, or that it is not necessarily always relevant. We’re multi-faceted beings, aren’t we? 🙂 And … yes, I’ve been an SLP for 30 years now. I’m also an audiologist by training and licensing in Israel, where it is a dual profession (Communication Disorders Clinician, which includes speech, language, voice, fluency, AND hearing) and where I’d practiced clinically for some years. 🙂 Isn’t life fabulously complicated? 🙂


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