Secret Service

Photo prompt © Roger Bultot


“We used to go in through that side door,” Mama said.

I stared at the narrow wooden portal. “Because you are a girl?” I knew that Jewish traditions relegated women to a separate area in the synagogue, sometimes a designated entrance.

“No,” Mama’s voice shook and I reached for her hand. Her tears surprised me.

She seemed reluctant to cross the street. I couldn’t blame her. The building looked forbiddingly cold, sealed shut.

“No,” she repeated, a note of defiance in her eyes. “So no one knew services were held. They’d have come for us if we were found out.”




For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers




40 thoughts on “Secret Service

    • Thank you, Rochelle. I was thinking that it might – alas in some way – resonate with many people, some of them for the exact nature of the history depicted, and some for variations on the theme in other kinds of persecutions too many had faced and some still do face. I’m glad it rang true!

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  1. “Wherever two or more are gathered, there, He will be also”… not sure which verse it is, but this came to mind instantly as I read this. Brings to mind the Christians around the world who must worship/pray in secret or face death. Such a terrible world we live in.

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    • And the places where Muslims or Sikh or Jews or any religious group or sect within a religion must worship in secret or risk harm or death … The world has had religious persecution for centuries, in crusades and inquisitions and witchhunts and anti-semitism and harm of infidels or heretic or however and whatever one group chose to call another group’s faith and religious practices. Forcing (or attempting to force) one’s own religious form or beliefs on everyone, is an old practice. More are awakening to how wrong it is to do, and the high costs of hate. Hopefully it will help change it so tolerance, acceptance, and freedom of religion (including the freedom to practice no faith), will indeed become the norm.


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