
Photo Prompt: Dale Rogerson


“Your grandfather must be turning in his grave.”

She’d made bitterness her trademark, so finding meaning usually entailed having to decode gradients of dismay.

He figured this one was a 67 out of 100. Enough disgust to call attention to how the “good old days” were better than modern progress, while not completely dismissing the comforts of advanced technology.

“Clean power is good for the lungs,” he cajoled, half-hoping for an argument. It was his Grandma’s genes he carried, after all.

“Pah,” she wrinkled her nose. “Nothing wrong with a bit of soot to get people appreciating real power.”



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers


38 thoughts on “Relativity

    • I suppose one did, especially when considering the ‘horse power’ it replaced, literally by allowing the movement of a cargo that would require a fantastic number of horses to transport!
      There are a few steam-trains still operating (mostly short-route touristy things for kids and families or brief scenic routes) – a friend of mine operates one! It goes 10miles an hour … and was used to transport logs (now transporting children and families on a short touristy route). Lotta power, not lotta speed …

      Liked by 1 person

    • 🙂 Thanks Penny!
      I was pleased with the pun in the title, and I’m glad it added a bit of mystery and a touch of “oh, that kind. …” 😉
      I think we all know a few people whose discontent is their default … Fortunately, there are also those people who seem generally content, so perhaps it balances out the world some … (not that I’d mind having LESS disgruntled and MORE happy-go-luckies!) 🙂


  1. Na’ama Y’karah,

    Love the meeting of the generations. In a few words you gave us a good picture of grandma. Ah the good old days. We reminisce about them while Google searching data on our ubiquitous cell phones. 😉 Well done.



    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Brenda! What utterly generous feedback! 🙂
      Glad you liked “gradients of dismay” … perhaps it resonates (as it had with some others who read this piece) because we recognize it in some of the people we’d met/known…? 😉
      THANK YOU again!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Suzanne! 🙂 Yes, some cling to what they know and fear what they do not understand. It can be unpleasant. Fortunately, sometimes when one understands where the ‘clinger’ is coming from, they may find some compassion in them (or at least, acceptance) – as this grandson seems to have managed to find — and not get too riled up by it … 🙂

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