Heart Memories

Kathtyn and Carol Jan08

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


Good friends to me,

To each other,

Their hearts and souls

Brimming love.

A decade passed

Since this photo,

And both had grown

Angel wings.

Sweet moments

Of memories

That won’t ever




Dedicated to Kathryn and Carol, forever thankful to have known you. You are forever in my heart.

For the Tuesday Photo Challenge: Memories


13 thoughts on “Heart Memories

    • Thank you, my friend. I love both of them and always will. They died within less than two years of each other, one of a recurrence of the cancer she was in remission from in the photo, the other from a cancer that was yet to grow but was so aggressive it took her from us within a year of its discovery.
      My friendship with them (and theirs with each other) was one of those soul things that let you know you’ve known each other in other lives before, and became friends again in this lifetime–no matter how odd the circumstances–because it had to have been somehow ordained that we would.
      That day was a special gift, especially as it became the last time we were the three of us together in one physical settings, though it was not the last time we were together in our hearts. xoxo Na’ama

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    • Dear Adele, I think you knew that Kathryn’s favorite holiday was Thanksgiving (well, and Easter, but I think Thanksgiving came first, because she did love the holiday foods and the pies and …). So … good time to remember her — and Carol — and the light and love they each brought to this world, in their own way and place and time. I have me a feeling they are cheering us on from the beyond. xoxo Na’ama


    • I am not quite sure what you meant but thank you, Hammad … 🙂 They were both very dear to me and died within the span of 18 months or so. It’s been a few years since, but heart memories don’t treat time in a linear way anyway. I feel blessed to have known each one of them and to have had the two of them become such dear friends to each other, too!

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      • 🙂 Yes, some connections feel like they must’ve been around far longer than just one lifetime of friendship. These two souls certainly became such friends to me over the many years I’ve known them. At some point, they became important in each other’s lives — and before they one day realized that they were the same Kathryn and Carol, that they’d heard about from me. 🙂

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