


“I am not dressing up as a doctor!”

Twins or no twins, he’d had it with his sister deciding their costumes. He’d been Prince Charming, Prince Un-Charming (consort to Princess Uglyanna). He’d been Mr. Smee. He’d been a screw (guess who was the screwdriver), a nail (yep, Maya was the hammer), a flower (to her bee). And those were the less embarrassing ones.

“You could be an evil doctor imprisoned by an eviler scientist,” she enticed.

“In your dreams,” he replied.

She grinned. “Or in yours. As in, literally. Tonight.”



For The Friday Fictioneers Challenge


24 thoughts on “Doctored

  1. I’m killing myself laughing because I knew a couple (who have since broken up) – she made their costumes each year… one year she was Cruella, he a dalmation; another year she was a fly to his piece of shit… I’m thinking he finally woke up to just what she thought of him….

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