
Photo credit: © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


They didn’t know when Power would return.

When they’d be allowed to leave.

Only that it would have to.

Because it had been promised. And they’d been raised to listen. And believe.

The grid was down. The streets were bare. The shelves that once were filled to the brim were naked in the lanterns’ glare.

It mattered none.

When they had faith.

Power had said, before he left, the back of the car packed with goods he “had to take to the needier elsewhere,” that they were meant to wait, “indefinitely, if need be.”

An test of faith.

Till death.



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers


39 thoughts on “Indefinitely

    • Thanks, Michael. My takeaway would be, if someone hightails it with most of your supplies and orders you to stay put ‘indefinitely’, then perhaps one would do well to reconsider the faith versus readying one’s fate …


    • Thank you, my friend! Yeah, all manner of dystopia stuff in that … but, mostly, perhaps, in their little ‘devotee group’ (aka cult-like thing). Glad to be back on the FF grid – the next couple of months are still going to be very kooky, but hopefully I’ll be able to chime in more frequently than I had in the last few months … xoxo

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