No Time For That




There was never enough time.

For that.

No time for the things that mattered but were not deemed essential. 

No time for the space that was given no paths to traverse.

None for the slow breath that could have allowed a pause

In the constant


Because there was never time.

For that.

Too much buzzed already

From the break of dawn to the collapse of night.

No time for


And so, she stopped it.


Stopped time.


She let the hands rest.

Let the heart expand inside the fluttering confines of the


She let the breeze


The pace.

The leaves, believe.

The ground stretch long and wide beneath

The feet.

The skies expand across

The dawn.

To let

The space that had

Held on,

To finally

Allow itself to be





For Crispina’s Crimson’s Creative Challenge


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