Steps Away


“We’ll carry you,” they said.

“It’s only steps away.”

The breeze blew memories of salt and sand and spray.

She raised her finger.

In her mind.

For the one that lay atop the sheets no longer knew

To move.

And yet

It was okay.

Because they understood quite perfectly

What she wanted

To say.

The gladness in her eyes.

The gift

Of yet another


“We’ll carry you,” they said.

Strong arms linked

As her heart thumped

In time to

The gentle sway.

It was only a few steps

To the water.

To the breathing

Gray surf

Of the bay.




For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers

Photo prompt © CEAyr


55 thoughts on “Steps Away

    • Thank you, Michael! I am very ready to lay in the warmth of a summer day on a beach! Amen to that happening sooner rather than later! So glad the words transported both of us, for a time, at least, inside our mind. 🙂


    • Thank you, Penny! I think that there are many times when people with severe disabilities are viewed fairly flatly, while they are just as capable of the full range of feelings and dreams and experiences and … and and … (I know I’m preaching to the choir …) – so, I’m so glad this communicated a fully experience, of what may well be possible, and even perhaps more frequent than we think. 🙂

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