Only Cooler

snowtwigman ChagitMoriahGibor (2)

(Photo: Chagit Moriah Gibor)


It was going to be a gargantuan effort, but that had never stopped her before.

No matter what others always said she could do.

The skis were first. Adjusted to work over the wheels like skids on seaplanes. Only cooler.


She slid through the ice and snow to find a clean patch. Shoveled up the snow onto her lap to press into a ball. Rolled and patted. Devised a ramp and pulley to hoist the second ball. Plopped on the third. Poked in twigs.


Lopsided, but so was she.

Her snowman. Wheelchair be damned.




For Sammi‘s Weekend Writing Prompt: Gargantuan in 96 words



26 thoughts on “Only Cooler

    • Yay! I’m so glad the association was that of a woman of grace and determination! There are such stereotypes connected to people who use wheelchairs, and many of them are just as capable as the rest of us, if not more resourceful, for the skills they had to put to work! 🙂 Na’ama

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