Waiting To Travel


He left the house each morning as he always had, a bag with his lunch slung over a shoulder.

The harbor was no longer where he had to be, but work never was just an employment. It had been his world. Even more so since Marissa left to roam the realms beyond this world.

To him her current travels were as real as the ships that left for unseen places only to return with goods that others had stacked for his crane to unload.

One day he will sail to where Marissa was.

Till then, he watched each day unfold.



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers 

Photo prompt: © Roger Bultot


50 thoughts on “Waiting To Travel

  1. I understand how someone would want to repeat their work-world routines. I did the same (still do the same) when I was first laid off with ill health. I kept to the routine, as much as I could. I’m more relaxed now. But it’s only taken me 14 yrs!

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