Tommy’s Sign

(Photo prompt © Roger Bultot)


She was never going to be ready. There was never going to be the ‘right time.’ He tried. He really tried. But he couldn’t stand it anymore.

When she left to visit her mother, he took it downstairs. The recycling truck should pass before her return, and by then it will be done. It was for the best. She’ll come to understand.

The key in the door in the morning. “I took an earlier flight. And, can you believe it? Someone tossed a highchair just like Tommy’s! I know it is a sign from him to hold on to ours!”



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers



54 thoughts on “Tommy’s Sign

  1. The more I thought about this story, the more sympathy I felt for Tommy’s mother. If her husband had focussed less on the chair, and more on loving his wife and seeking her healing he wouldn’t have made such a cruel mistake.
    You’ve crafted that story absolutely beautifully, Na’ama!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Indeed. Indeed. Indeed … and, the two of them are grieving but perhaps not in the same way … and maybe are not communicating as well as the otherwise would have …
      Thank you for the comment and I’m so glad you felt it resonated!

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  2. As long as she doesn’t go looking for Tommy’s chair in their place it should be fine. If she does, he can’t put the conversation off any longer. Tough place to be for both of them. Tommy’s absence is acutely felt here 😦

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