Top Dweller

Photo prompt © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


She peered anxiously through the glass. He should have called someone. Who climbs up metal ladders in this frost? What if he falls? Breaks something? Who would care for him? Care for her?

She pressed a knuckle to her mouth, too afraid to call out lest her voice startled him.


The sound came with a ladder-wobble and she almost screamed. How can he do this to her? He knows she cannot stand to be stressed!

A moment later his foot descended.





Then his elbow.

With a miserable-looking kitten cradled in the crook of his arm.




For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers





61 thoughts on “Top Dweller

    • Yeah, that’s why I like being the one who is climbing … because it is far less stressful than being the one who is fretting FOR the one on the ladder … Also, as a kid, I climbed EVERYTHING, so I’m pretty good at those … 🙂


    • Thanks, Penny. 🙂 It was a fun one to write, as I visualized the frantic fretting woman and the determined (and possibly slightly deaf-to-worry) man … 🙂 And of course, the whining meowing kitten that must’a started all this … 🙂

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  1. It is common for people to worry about others climbing ladders – that’s why I wait until no one is around, I can’t stand the constant anxious babble. You have shown this in the story and let us off with a kitten to quash our hearts. Nice.

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