Slip From Grip


Enslaved persons cutting sugar cane on the Island of Antigua, 1823, (The British Library)



She fed them well so

They would


And silently

She gave the slip,

To all she knew

Yet did not sweep

Away the bite

Of whip.

She fled,

So the child in

Her belly’s keep,

Would not writhe, helpless,

In another person’s




For the dVerse quadrille challenge: slip

(Note: Dedicated to all who suffered and still suffer under the yoke of injustice, discrimination, racism, and pretense. We can do better than this. We must do better than this.)





28 thoughts on “Slip From Grip

    • And often times those decisions would never need to be made if in weren’t for those who abuse power … All the more reason for us all to work toward a better humanity for all. Thank you for the comment!


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