Resolute Rose


Photo: Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash



The least of hardship was when

She broke her toe,

Age nine,

Her youngest brother

Then a mewling newborn

In her arms.

She’d been pacing

Through the night

To let Mother

Recover some.

Ever the intrepid

Elder child,

Rose missed but

A step,

Taped her toes,

And walked on

Till the morn.





For Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Intrepid in 52 words




17 thoughts on “Resolute Rose

    • I don’t know – Rose seems to be the kind who’d just soldier on and not make much of it. However, if her mother was the kind to take note of a child’s sacrifice, perhaps she would have told her son as means to have him know his sister’s devotion. 🙂
      Off to read yours!

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