His Promise

Photo prompt © Jeff Arnold


It took him months, but he stuck with it.

It took a lot of coffee, and a great deal of wine, and a good bit of yelling at the keys and cursing at the window, and a heap of crumbled sheets of paper flung across the floor in balls he sometimes let stay there, staring dejectedly at the ceiling as he wished to do, too.

A million times he wanted to give up.

He didn’t.

Not when he had promised her he’d write her story.

One finger at a time or not, he was going to learn how to type.




For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers



54 thoughts on “His Promise

    • Thank you, Rochelle! Yeah, it can help to learn ANY OTHER WAY outside of the finger-hunt-peck-stuff … I never learned any official typing (I wish we had been taught, but we didn’t, other than playing on my mom’s typewriters as children when the summer break got so long that even pecking on a piece of paper was better than getting in trouble … which usually did not evolve beyond the first two letters … ;)), but I’ve typed and typed so much that I don’t really need to look and my fingers are pretty good at finding the keys … even though I’m not really ‘trained’ in any way. I think the finger peck would drive ME bananas, too! 😉


    • Thanks, Michael! I love how stories evoke their own visuals in us as we read. It is partially why I tend to like books more than movies (not that I don’t watch movies, but it is not the same …). 🙂


    • Thanks, James! Yes, new skills take practice and when there’s a good ‘goal’ or motivation, it makes the dreary aspects of drill and train feel less daunting (one hopes!). I think he’s gotten a few pages typed by now … 😉

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