I’ll Be The Quiver


Photo: Annie Spratt on Unsplash


I’ll be the quiver

For the arrows

You don’t yet know

How to hold.

I’ll guard the darts

The barbs

The jagged


Safe within the

Burnished leather

Of my years,

Till you grow enough

To be the quiver

For your own

Sharpened spears.



For the dVerse quadrille challenge: quiver


24 thoughts on “I’ll Be The Quiver

  1. How beautiful. That first line made me get an actual lump in my throat:
    “I’ll be the quiver

    For the arrows

    You don’t yet know

    How to hold.”

    What an amazing thing, in parenting or otherwise, to hold a person that gently.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, De! May we all know someone who holds us – or had held us – in gentleness. For children it is a must, IMO, though all too often they struggle to find someone who can model this for them and hold things for them till they can manage to. I’m so glad the quivering emotion of it came through …


    • Thank you, Kim! I was thinking of the ‘thicker skin’ we must have around those who are still unable to regulate themselves as well as they (hopefully!) would when older … and that there is a certain ‘wizened’ quality to being able to take a step back and realize that we have the ability to withstand those without taking on an injury (where we might’ve in our youth … or younger years …) 🙂
      Also liked the idea of old, much-handled, must-trusted leather containers. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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