The Birth Of Day

sunrise florida

Photo: Na’ama Yehuda


May the birth of day

Delight you

In the promise

That it brings,

Even with the clear


For the pulling of

Heart’s strings.

May you know

The hope of


As it touches

First light’s bliss.

May the good

Outweigh the painful

As tender dawn

To ocean




For the Sunday Stills challenge: Birthdays


22 thoughts on “The Birth Of Day

    • Yay hurray! So delighted you like the photo (taken in Florida on a summer dawn – I got up pretty early for that, also because whenever I’m at the shore in summer, I like to walk on the beach before the heat of the day–I get lobsterish pretty quickly, even with sunblock). Also, here’s to the birth of new days of all kinds! 🙂

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