In A Moment

Photo Prompt © Ted Strutz


She sat with her nose glued to the window, ignoring the roar of the engines and the bawdy chatter in her headphones.

It was cloudy when they’d taken off, with only little visibility. Now miles of forests stretched in all directions, the greenery as dense and impenetrable as her father’s face the last time she’d seen him, brooding and taciturn even by his own standards.

A glint of water sparkled in the distance and the pilot banked to the right to circle toward the lake. Suddenly she could not breathe.

It’s been a long ten years.



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers



34 thoughts on “In A Moment

  1. Oh, that’s good, that’s very good. I love the way you show us her complete focus on where she’s going. I love the way your reveal isn’t a reveal but an implication, but which is no less definite than if you spelled it out. And your description of her father’s impenetrable face matching the impenetrable forest gives her ample cause for apprehension.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Na’ama Y’karah,

    How well you’ve captured her apprehension with the catch in her breath. The implications of the past between father and daughter gives us a build to an intricate backstory. Well done.



    Liked by 2 people

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