Cleaning Up

lighted matchstick on brown wooden surface

Photo Sebastian Sørensen on


No amount of soap and water could clean up this mess.

Even if I were to try, I wasn’t quite sure how I’d go about it, or if the effort was worth the results. Perhaps it’d be better to burn the whole thing to the ground and start from scratch.

I eyed the matches on the stove and looked at what I could no longer justify keeping around.

I wouldn’t miss most of it. Or so I had to hope.

My fingers struck a match and I held the small flame to the ring, amazed as always by how easily it grabbed hold and circled to make a blue-yellow-purple circuit of heat.

The fire leapt and danced and hissed.

I sighed.

It was time to wave good-bye. I needed a fresh beginning.

I set the kettle on to boil, sat back down, and hit “Delete.”




For Linda’s SoCS writing prompt: Clean/Dirty



24 thoughts on “Cleaning Up

  1. I had a suspicion it was a writer and her work that she wanted to “burn” but then the way you worded this oh, so skillfully, you pulled me down another possible track. Well done!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh we’ve all been there!
    Like having to delete your entire blog because a Spam Filter won’t let you contact folk (Looking at you Word Press AND Akismet!) and start a whole new blog.
    I consigned my going nowhere stuff to folders just in case I can dredge something out (Good old ‘Copy & Paste’).
    Best wishes

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep – I do sorta’ same in the sense that I usually have back ups for things I work on (unless, of course, the elves and fairies and pixies get hold of them and make it so I cannot find them or delete them when I don’t at all intend to and so on, which has happened on occasion and I do not appreciate much … 😉 ).
      Oy for the blog deletion!!! That does not sound like fun at all!
      Thank you for reading and commenting, Roger!

      Liked by 1 person

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