Day Trip

Photo prompt: Sandra Cook


The day dawned gray and there was threat of rain, but she wasn’t going to be deterred by a bit of dirty weather.

She dressed him in his powder blue slicker and packed a bag with this and that. She weighed the idea of leaving the cumbersome stroller, but at three, though the boy liked walking, he lacked endurance for it.

“We going to see Papa?” he asked as the train rolled into the station.

She hesitated. She was loath to lie to him.

“Not the one you know,” she answered finally. “Though he may become it. We shall see.”



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers



33 thoughts on “Day Trip

    • One wonders … It seems like they are going to see someone who is not the one he knows as or calls “Papa”… but who this person is or is not … Who knows … 😉
      Thanks, Sandra …


    • Thanks, Penny! Indeed, any relationship requires honesty, and being honest with children is a good way to model it to them. Honesty does not need to mean too much information too soon about too many details, but it certainly must mean no lies. I’m glad you liked this! 🙂 Na’ama


    • How perceptive of you to pick up on that! In my mind the child was somewhat fragile (or perceived as such by his mother), too! In part by the tender age and in part by possible circumstances. Loved this comment, Suzanne!

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