The Instructions


Photo: Luma Pimentel via Unsplash


“I’ve written it all down,” she’d said.

“Anything you need to know is there,” she’d promised.

“It’ll a breeze,” she assured me, one hand already on the door handle. “I won’t be too long. It’s just a short gig. A few hours at most. He’ll likely sleep right through to my return anyway.”

But the baby slept through about five minutes and then would not stop crying and I had no idea what half of the terminology for baby-brand stuff meant or what “up to the spoon line” was supposed to be when I couldn’t find any spoons with lines, and no clue how to “keep a hand on the baby at all times” while also needing two of them just to untangle the tabs on the darn diaper and another two to keep the baby’s feet from kicking it away … And the clean bottles came separated from nipples, which had multiple unrelated parts that needed assembly like an Ikea cabinet from hell … And what on earth is a spit-up cloth and how is it different than a towel or a blanket?

Speaking of, how does one swaddle a baby without dislocating something in the process of making it into a mummified burrito?

And did I mention the baby would not stop crying?


“You’re a saint, Rick!” she’d said. Even kissed me on the cheek like I was some long lost brother and not the neighbor who happened to live next door and perhaps smiled a few times at the baby on the elevator.

“I know it is last minute but I’ve been waiting months for the opportunity … I’ll make you dinner,” she’d promised, and her relief at having a solution for the baby was so palpable that I felt guilty extricating myself from what she’d misunderstood as “yes” when at the very most I’d meant “maybe, but not really.”


“It was a breeze,” I said.

“He woke up but is now sleeping like an angel,” I assured her, ignoring the baby’s heft on my desperate bladder. I hadn’t dared to move, lest the baby woke again.

She looked tired and worried and sad and a little worse for wear, and I wondered how the gig went but didn’t want to ask after she appeared to hold back tears when I’d asked if she had a good time.

“Did the instructions help?” she asked instead.

I nodded. “Perfectly.”




For the SoCS Prompt: Instructions


10 thoughts on “The Instructions

  1. Oh man… poor man!!!
    And is she completely nuts, leaving her baby with someone who has no clue?
    And yet, with all the comedic misunderstanding, you bring us to such a tender end…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Victoria!
      I’ve been around infants all my life and became an aunt when I was 10, so this seems like second nature to me. However, I’d heard plenty from those who were less fortunate and who were indeed quite terrified the first time they had to take care of an infant, their own or another person’s …
      Glad this captured the tenderness that is ALWAYS there, and the terror that might be there when we realize the magnitude of the responsibility entrusted to us with these little beings who rely so fully on our sensitive care. 🙂


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