Tomorrow’s Memory

Photo: Adam Ickes


“They do not remember who they are.”

The old man’s voice was somber without judgment. A skill born of patience shaped by the combined weights of history and time.

“It is why I brought them here.”

The elder regarded his visitor. His dark eyes pools of wisdom deeper than the lines upon his skin.

A silence stretched.

“They will not find it in this place,” Sorrowful Skies said finally.

Disappointment filled the woman’s face.

“They will sleep in the lodge tonight,” he added. “Tomorrow, they will walk like their ancestors. In bare feet on breathing land. Then they will remember.”



For Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers


24 thoughts on “Tomorrow’s Memory

    • Thank you, Violet. There is much wisdom in Indigenous cultures that all of us have missed on through the deed of history’s squelching, and I hope that we can, somehow, get to taste from now so it can enrich us all.


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