Staired Succession

spiral stair PhilipCoons

Photo: Philip Coons


Doors in corridors close

Even as others open

For the path no one sees

Goes around

Half again

In the climbing.


For dVerse School Days Challenge: Alphabet sestet


16 thoughts on “Staired Succession

    • Perhaps some see ahead, with crystal balls or intuiting or otherworldly knowledge … but most of us, I think, do our best to try and surmise where our path leads and try to correct course where we can, or follow our heart and mind to where we hope to go. Isn’t life all cryptic, in some way? 😉
      Thank you for the comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. LOVE the illustration — fits perfetly with your words here. Great A-B-C-ing! 🙂 Doors close and push us to look elsewhere 🙂 and the world keeps throwing curves at us but the skill is to march on, right?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! To have the complex seem simple is to have the job done … 🙂 The stunning photo was taken by a friend and colleague of mine. He has an excellent eye for such things and is gracious in allowing me to use some of his images. 🙂 Thank you for the comment, Victoria!


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