Father Kindness


Photo: C. Moriah-Gibor


Be a father to the vulnerable

Guide the path of those who need

A lift

A helping hand.

Be a father to those seeking

To find shelter

Who need help to


Show the way.


Kind counsel.

If by biology or presence

Be the best


You can.

For it is by kindness

That fathering

Takes hold


Grows children


In body, heart

And mind.


9 thoughts on “Father Kindness

  1. Reblogged this on Shielagh and commented:
    This poignant poem and sweet photo posted today by a dear friend really does say it all. Happy day to all who read this, father or not! My dad died 32 years ago. He never reached retirement age and the comforting coverage of Medicare as I have. I know he’d be appalled at obscene attempts to remove healthcare benefits from millions now. How I miss him! Happy Father’s Day, Daddy. 😘


  2. Thank you for your gifted writing, Na’ama. This one stuck a chord for me. I know writing it touched yours. I’m guessing the happy munchkin being swung by a loving dad is one of your family!

    Liked by 1 person

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